Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Messiah quiz, and The Link With recent Happenings Part 2

Quit Claim Deed Form - The Messiah quiz, and The Link With recent Happenings Part 2
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Lao Tse

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How is The Messiah quiz, and The Link With recent Happenings Part 2

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In China, a child Li-Erl was born to a man who would trace his ancestry to migrant Jews. He was taught by the venerable Li-Tse, Tse being the title for the top spiritual guides of China and Tibet meaning Sage. Hence Li-Tse in obedience to the prophecy telling of the advent of the forerunner, journeyed far to teach the slight Li-Erl. After he grew up, he passed through other teachers, went into relinquishment in the hills for some time and finally met Hou-Chou, the emperor who was kept redundant by Wen towards the end of Wen Dynasty. With the help of Li-Erl (his new name was Li-Pe-tan), Wen's murderers were taken to the monastery in the mountains, allowing Hou-Chou to reign- the beginning of the Chou Dynasty. He himself studied at the monastery until he became the head of the monastery after the death of his teacher Li-Tse. Later he appointed a successor and came back to the middle kingdom where he became chief spiritual adviser to Hou- Chou. He became Lao-Tse, the only one that could bear that title.

Lao-Tse taught Chinese people the way to fight demons by putting away fears. During his time, demons were menacing Chinese, and they are mostly appearing in the form of dragons. In fact it always appears so real that most of them embedded the pictures on their ceramics- a thing that is done up to this day in Chinese ceramics. He was also made to confront a teacher Con-fu-tse who adds the suffix "tse" to show he is a sage. On personal encounter with Lao-tse, Confucius as he is known today could not respond the questions from Lao-tse. He falsely claimed that he got his teachings from God. He left into the mountains and came back prepared for an additional one encounter with Lao-tse, but died by mistakenly falling on the sword of his bodyguard.

After the death of Lao tse and Hou Chou (they both died the same day), Han his son took over and later. Han's children were Chou and Chong. Then an additional one younger man came and assumed the name of Co-fu-tse, claiming he is the same old Confucius, that whatever who understands the virtues can learn how to live eternally young. He took over the teaching of the Chinese debasing all that Lao-Tse taught and lived for. It is for this imagine that there is obscuring in determined quarters about the exact time Confucius lived, he also shows that the evil one always sends his own representative to come and bring obscuring whenever a forerunner is ready on Earth, or light envoys. Most times, their teachings are more earthly than spiritual. They situate the Kingdom of God on the bodily earth, like the false Zoroaster and Con-fu-tse.

The Chinese in singular were a blessed people. Every forerunner always had a Chinese advent to learn and taking back the knowledge to his country. Akhnaton had a Chinese migrate from China to design and build the temple of God in Egypt. He also built the first cross-placed on top of the temple. The cross has also the arms equal. The height was from the ground to the level of the heart of Nerfertiti, Akhnaton's daughter. Zoroaster had a Chinese advent to learn from him and going back to China. The Chinese also were conversant with the teachings of Buddha. Hence even in the monastery Lao-tse attended, they already know of the trinity. The promotional exam he did in his first year had the ask " God is a unity. From Unity comes the Trinity. From Trinity comes everything. Discuss" as the main question. Lao-tse answered it so well he got double promotion in the monastery. Hence he also knew and foreseen, the advent of the judge of the world, who like Zoroaster also believed, is advent to judge the world by fire. It is also foreseen, that at the time of the second coming, many impostors will twist the truth into reducing all spiritual teachings to the earthly.

It is believed that Buddhism- Zhen Buddhism is largely less distorted than other religions. But that was before the time of Mao-tse tong, who entrenched socialism and declared, "Religion is poison" and destroyed the last bastion of spiritual growth in Tibet.


There also came a time for the Greeks to be lifted higher. The Greeks have been so close to nature that they have been able to comprehend up to the level of the Lords of the elements. Given convenient environments, they could have been advanced to the level of perceiving that the gods were not the top to be worshiped and that they themselves have one singular Lord, who in the Bible was identifiable as one of the four living creatures that form the pillars of the throne of the son of man. In fact more advanced cultures at that time knew of them and included them in the sign of the Zodiac as Leo, Taurus, Aries and Scorpio- Scorpio being the same as the Eagle in some cultures replaceable by him in the sign of the Zodiac. Even amongst our people, the top priests knew the dissimilarity in the middle of Chiukwu, the top God and his Son Chineke, God the creator. It is only the normal people that merge the two, which, incidentally is not altogether wrong.

But the Greeks were able to comprehend up to the Lords of the forces of the elements. Hence they were able to know and even interact with the 'gods' and lots of fables were woven colse to this reality. This was carried over to the Roman era. Hence when Homer decided to change a long tradition of oral rendition of the Heroic deeds of old into an epic poem, he had necessity to record activities leading to the fall of Troy, that ancient city situated at the western border of Turkey he had naturally told the story from the Greek point of view only. The events within Troy, the prophecies, the activities, and the failure of Trojans to listen to warnings were not recorded because they are native to Troy. Hence it was not known that the whole saga was woven colse to one prophetess called Cassandra who was meant to be more first-rate being in Troy. She was meant to lift them up from their level of spiritual maturity to the recognition of one God. But they fully rejected her that she never found the occasion to fulfill her duties, though she for real fulfilled in the efforts. Cassandra's birth was seen and prophesied by Pericles, a Trojan shepherd who went to her pregnant mother, Hecuba. He told her that a light of God is entering the House of King Priam through her. If they accept and work with the Light, it will be the most blessings for the nation, if they reject her it will bring the destruction of Troy. He kept on reminding her until, being irritated, by the constant reminder banished him to Crete. Cassandra grew under the heavy hands of her mother, which grew to outright hatred, being pushed by the darkness, from childhood she was credited with uncanny accuracy of predictions. As a teenager, she was to join the bevy of girls who were the priestesses of Apollo but she declined and incurred more wrath from her mother, more so that all the gods they consult suddenly became silent under consultation being because a first-rate being is there. As the proverb goes, when a first-rate masquerade appears, the announcers give way.

Because no one listens to her prophesies which could have been a way of attracting mankind towards her hereafter work, she never was able to go beyond that. She foreseen, Paris, abduction of Helen and its consequences. When it happened, he pleaded with her brother to return the woman and avoid the destruction of Troy, but Paris was too attached to the woman Cassandra called "Beauty without a soul".
It is animated to note that her teacher who doubled as an astrologer once cast her horoscope and read her palms. When he saw that her life was connected with the end of Troy as a nation, he jumped down from the tower thereby committing suicide after destroying the papers he used for his calculations.

Cassandra warned the Trojans against the Trojan horse. When Troy was destroyed, Agamemnon took her away and she warned him of the treachery of his wife, Clytemnestra and her boyfriend Aegistus, who killed King Agamemnon and instructed that Cassandra be drowned in a dungeon. But Clytemnestra ran mad after her encounter with Cassandra. Thus Cassandra never came round to doing her real duties, which is taking the Greeks to the recognition of one God, to get them prepared before the advent of Christ. For this imagine also, the Greeks were in experience with Jews, but they found it difficult to identify the one God propagated by the Jews. It was said that Aeneas, a Trojan was instrumental to the change of the Greeks belief to the Romans, who now instead of the Greeks would spread the word brought by Christ through their empire that covers the known world. Thus it was that the story of Troy was told from the point of view of the Greeks and the central form was hardly given a mention.

The Incas

While the recognition of God goes on in Europe, (Troy), Africa (Sudan, Egypt), Middle East (Iran), China and India,(Asia) it is also being introduced to the American's, the Indians of America. Scattered all colse to the undiscovered America were so many different kingdoms all developing personel cultures. The Mayans, the Hopis, the Incas were all having their own developments. The Hopis were in Central and North America, the Mayans in Mexico, covering Brazil and Argentina, the Incas in gift day Peru, though covering the rest of South America. Their amelioration was quite similar. For space, I will incorporate on the amelioration of the Incas. The Incas were living together with nature even before the age mankind were foreseen, to have reached the top connections with the forces of the elements as some slight children sometimes do today. They knew the stars by name- the major ones of procedure descriptive to the human eye. Thus they slowly advanced intricate level of writing. Above all, they revere the sun as the "dispenser of life", and accordingly refer to themselves as people of the sun. With later recognitions, they knew of the existence of a higher authority while revering the sun, worship " he who made the sun". These set of human beings were so pure that they believe it is wrong to request for retrial God for whatever since if you are pure in view God provides all your needs- not necessarily your wants. Agreeing to the Incas, the sun is the smile of God, which produced children of bronze skin, the people of the sun. The Incas believe that God should be worshiped in the open and Agreeing to them" when we pray in the open, plants, animals and even the rigid rock will bow down in worship with us. The animated waters will raise their voices together with us in praise of the most high". It was only later that they were able to build houses for themselves; but still worshiped God in the open.

It was at this stage that a spiritual helper, who Catholics prefer to call guardian Angels, approached the head of the Inca and commanded him to build a temple to God Almighty, only allowed to be built by the pure hands of the Inca. With the help of the discrete kinds of the forces of the elements, they were taught how to build the most solid house that have ever existed in the Inca land- done to what may be called gift day mathematical and engineering precision, far better than what today our best architects could produce. This was because they did not decree on human knowledge but on the help and advice of the forces of elements.

It is also the same way that the Mayans, and also the Egyptians were able to build the Pyramids of old. The Mayans of Mexico has pyramids scattered in their kingdom. The temple was built in pure gold. All the gold found in all Incan land was devoted and used in the temple, then came catastrophe. Earthquakes, volcanoes and rains took over the land of the Incas, destroying many Inca cities. But before then, the Inca Manteo (head) summoned his people all to enter the temple, stockpile food and wait inside until the natural disasters pass by. After that, the Incas spread out, covering the gift day Peru, right up to Argentina and lower Brazil. So in all the some cities in Latin America, in all their temples, it was made that only Incas descendants are the spiritual head of the people. And the central temple controls the rest.
This was the state of things until Ticao ascended as the high priest. He it was who declared himself the son of God, and by extension God himself. Then slowly sin and disease, hitherto unknown, crept into the kingdom until he realized his error, confessed to the people and prayed to God for forgiveness. slowly things returned to normal.

All the summarized events that spanned six thousand years until, at the early centuries of the last millennium when the last Inca king before the inversion of the Portuguese, Haulker, took over as the Priest- King. It was also the same time he was shown in a dream for the first time, how to heat and beat steel into sword. The Inca could not understand when he told them that they could use the weapon for the shedding of human blood. But they had to learn the hard way to defend themselves and their families. When it became determined that the whole realm is falling apart, Haulker received instructions that they should wall round the temple and leave the rest to the nature beings to complete. This they did and rain fell colse to the temple area as never before for days. Within this time the temple was covered with water and sank with mudslides that formed colse to it- intact.

They were then given prophecies that the temple will rise again to be used for worship. "Never in all the existence of earth". The Priest-King, Haulker, was told, "has such a temple be built; never again will such charm bloom forth". Therefore the wanton hand of those who covert gold shall never touch its treasures. In purity shall it be preserved till that far-off day when all woe and sorrow shall come to an end. When the dove shall descend from heaven leading the people in the new kingdom; then God himself shall be enthroned among his people. The place where the temple is underground under the waters of the lake that formed then is still there at Peru, surrounded by a ring of mountains and protected by the forces of the elements. Any one attempting to go there may never survive. There it will be until the comet, star that is causing the upheavals on earth today, pulls it up again as it will also pull up the continent of Atlantis.
Meanwhile, the remnants of the Incas still survive in Peru today. They are waiting the fulfillment of the prophesy of the advent son of man. The Dove is the sign of the son of man, inseparable from the cross and when the sign appears, it will be seen as both a cross and a dove. It is also the sign through which pure clairvoyants can identify the son of man. The dove on the head and the cross as his inner self, unlike the so-called ghosts of other human beings. John the Baptist recognized Christ because he saw the Dove; Mary of Magdala sees Christ as a living, walking cross.

Christ is the one, together with the advent comforter, who share this attributes. This Is The Only Sign That Will Distinguish Him From The False Prophets And Impostors, at the time of His coming. As usual the prophesy about the advent Son of God was distorted. Among the remnant of the Incas it has been interpreted to mean that the millennium will begin when a woman takes over as the Priest- Queen of Incas. Then their temple will rise again.

The Meso-Americans have their own studying and writing system. Like every culture that advanced naturally, they were versed in astrology and can see far into the future. It was the same old crime of Christianity-rooted in ignorance- that Portuguese and Spaniards have destroyed most of their writings. For example, Cortez and his men destroyed the temples found among the Mayans and most of their astrological manuscripts. Providence allowed a few to be preserved and from there we were able to know about the Mayan calendar, which recorded daily events based on the reading of the sun and stars and known observable planets. Thus it was discovered that based on their own calendar, their last entry of events was futuristic. The calendar abruptly ended on 22nd December 2010, fueling speculations that the whole world will end then. Suddenly people are writing books, manufacture films to indicate that that is the end date of the world. The Mayans never said so. The calendar is 5000 years old and the indication is that they could not project beyond that date.

It is unfortunate that Cortez and his men destroyed all manuscripts of the painstaking calculations of the Mayans, calling them Pagan writings, or else by now we could have known much more. It was also like when barbarians destroyed the most library for Rome after the fall of Rome. But the Hopi Indians of the United States transmitted their own stories by rituals and word of mouth. They expect the advent of the "light one" but localized it to themselves. They have signs on which to identify his advent to the world. In their rituals, they have a fastener of the advent comet in a blue mask worn only on extra festive rituals, which are only inherent before a great catastrophe to befall mankind. This they call the Kachina dance. Hence the last dance took place before World War Ii. The next dance will take place when the "sign of the son of man appears in the sky". This is the very last dance of the Hopi clergyman and for the first time in their culture, the masked one will remove his mask in public.

Then the Hopis are foreseen, to abandon their rituals and consequent the teachings of the light one. They also know mankind will first of all enter into the age of destruction before the age of peace, led by the light one's teachings will come. And they were told that when a calabash falls from the sky, burning both land and sea, then the Hopis should warn the world that they must change from their ways or face the time of destruction from above. When the atomic bomb was thrown to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they saw it as the fulfillment of that prophecy. So the settlement elders went to the safety Council meeting of the United Nations but were not allowed in. This they repeated three times, and on the fourth time, were only able to talk to low officers. They went home with the conviction that mankind will pass through hell before the time of the Light one comes.

The Jews

Back to the Jews, the chosen people.
While the Jews were wandering in the wilderness, prophesies about the advent messiahs were rife through the prophets. The whole nation was therefore waiting in anticipation. This waiting rather resulted in the sieving of the Jews who are not prone to learning. Those who took the pains to study ended up as the scribes and therefore weld lots of affect over the rest. Out of those who are learned came out a group that lived more of monastic lives in caves. This group was not mentioned in the bible, but all Jewish historians, particularly Flavius Josephus, recorded them. an additional one writer was Philo the Alexandrian, a Greek philosopher that traces his genealogy to Israel.

The first destruction of the temple of the Jew by Antiochus the Syrian (Antiochus Epiphanes) saw the enactment of laws that forbade the Jewish rites and worship. This resulted in the resistance spearheaded by the Macabees, whose inventory of the struggles can be found in the catholic edition of the Bible, in a book of the same name. The clergyman left Israel in droves and settled in the desert. These were the real descendants from the lineage of Aaron and those who were priests in Israel after the persecution were not descendants of Aaron and thought about impostors by the Essenes They slowly advanced into a monastic order, versed in astrology but they believed their own brand of astrology was the one ordained by God. They were celibate and vegetarian. They had rules from how to fight war against the darkness to discipline in order. In fact, their writing spoke a lot about the war of light against darkness. They see themselves as those who will fight and destroy all heathen Jews and Gentiles and design the kingdom of God on earth. They institution collective life and had been practicing baptism long before the advent of John the Baptist. They institution baptism by immersion.

The Essenes foreseen, the advent of the two messiahs; they equated Psalm 2:7-9; Daniel 7:13-14; Isaiah 7:14; Jeremiah 33:16; Psalm 72; Isaiah 9:6-7 etc with the advent of the messiahs who will judge the earth- which they see as the liberation of Israel (politically) from their rulers (Rome as at the time Christ was born). But Isaiah 52:2-4 for example, talked of an additional one Messiah. Other examples of this second messiah abound. The Jews never confused the two messiahs neither did the Essenes They divided them into "the Messiah of Aaron" and " the Messiah of Israel. The messiah of Aaron is also called the prince of the whole Essenes community, and the Messiah of Israel the teacher of Justice.

They even laid down rules on how both messiahs should be seated together on the same table. Even the messiah of Israel was foreseen, to come with two noble women (referred to as two olive trees- see Esdra in the Catholic Bible), or two anointed ones who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth. (Zechariah 4:1-14). They believe they are living in the last days, and for that imagine they expect the two to come at the same time.

It is inherent that the early Christians borrowed the art of baptism by immersion from the Essenes since John baptized Christ. It was in his name that baptisms, however, were given. That some of the teachings of the Essenes were closer to Christ than the Pharisees started the venture that Christ must have studied under the Essenes by those who try by all means to drag the work of the son of God to the earthly and demean it. The fact is that wherever the teaching of any people corresponds with the truth, it must tally with Christ's teachings. Thus all the insinuations that he went to Tibet to study runs in the same vein. There is no truth there, though the Essenes were breaking bread and wine and praying over it before meals, this has nothing to do with the high act of the last supper, which is an earthly repetition of what is done high up.

Much of what we know about the essence today comes from their own writings disciplined through scrolls they left at the Qumran Caves of the Dead Sea. The last of the race died there after the invading of Israel in 70Ad since they were all celibate Monks. All their manuscripts were preserved in ceramics pots and were first discovered by Mohammed Dib in 1947.

The Pharisees like the Essenes Monks had one desire: to strictly consequent the dictates of the Torah. Their view of the messiah was nationalistic which was the same as an additional one group called the Zealots, whose activities borders on terrorism. They are self-righteous ponder over Torah day and night and forever seeing new interpretations of the law. They thrive on external show offs of their piety. They carve square blocks that they place on their foreheads held in place by a rope tied round the head. an additional one block of wood or stone was tied directly over the heart, with the rope passing above the right arm. These are the Phylacteries on which was written the word " Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is one". This is regularly the introduction to the law in the torah (e.g. Exodus 20 etc). It is pertinent to note that even though Jews and Muslims don't see eye to eye, their mode of worship is close. Before a Jew reads the Torahs, he recites the schema as it is called. Before a Muslim prays, he affirms " laillah ill allahu"- there is no other God except Allah. When a Jew sees a believer, he says ' Shalom' meaning peace. When a Muslim sees a believer he says, "a sallam allekun"- I meet you in peace. The imagine for this will be handled later. The Pharisees are so much attached to the external of the law that they disregard the spiritual aspects. One of their major clinging points was retention the Sabbath. The injunction was given with the mind that the Sabbath is an external manifestation of God's sanctity (Ezekiel 20: 12) they concentrated the whole vigor on this point. They debated, dissected, and overturned all about this. For example, along and tortuous moot for years was going on whether it is valid to eat eggs laid on a Sabbath! This made the others even the Essenes to up-to-date them. But the Essenes themselves are worse than the Pharisees in these- they forbade their members from thinking of the work they are going to do the following day.

The next group are the Sadducee who do not believe in the life after death. These were from the priestly cast- the upper middle class. They loved order and original rites. Most of them are wealthy and therefore tend to construe the Torah to suit themselves. They were the most cooperators with the Roman occupiers of Israel. They also foreseen, two messiahs, which they see as political. But the Pharisees strongly believe that if every singular Jew for one day obeyed all the law relating to the Sabbath, the two messiahs will immediately come. His delay in coming, Agreeing to them was because Jews break the Sabbath.

Hence it is seen how the creator, through each peoples' culture and spiritual maturity, sends help to mankind and how mankind mostly rejects such helps. Hence all religions are geared towards the knowledge of the almighty.

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