Monday, June 25, 2012

Using A Quit Claim Deed In A divorce

Quit Claim Deed Divorce - Using A Quit Claim Deed In A divorce
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Do you know about - Using A Quit Claim Deed In A divorce

Quit Claim Deed Divorce! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

A divorce is always a hard decision to make either the husband and wife were together for only a short time or for long years. Not only does it involve emotional distress but department of wedded properties as well.

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How is Using A Quit Claim Deed In A divorce

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Quit Claim Deed Divorce.

When couples resolve on who should get this or that wedded property which they acquired as husband and wife, legal documents known as deed are necessary. These documents are crucial to legally replacement a distinct property from one person to another. One vital form is called the quit claim deed.

A quit claim deed is referred to as such because it quits or ceases a person's claim or interest on a real estate property and passes it to someone else person. There is no guarantee, though, when it concerns the proprietary of the person receiving the property.

Divorce situations

A divorce is just one of several situations where a quit claim deed proves necessary. An example would be a husband foregoing interest in the property that his wife owns. In this situation, the husband who quits claim on the property is referred to as the grantor while the wife who owns the property is called the grantee. Whatever risks involved here especially since there's no warranty on the title will be taken care of by the wife.

A quit claim deed is also needed if a married person who solely owns a property, which he or she bought prior to getting married, sells the property implicated to a third party. Executing a quit claim deed, in this instance, serves to ensure that the other spouse no longer has any interest to reclaim the property later on. With the absence of this deed, it is inherent that the spouse could come back to claim proprietary of the property.

In someone else divorce case, one spouse say, the wife, may want to stay in the wedded home. The wife then needs to ask for a quit claim deed from her husband so she could claim sole interest in the residential property.

Names and mortgage

A quit claim deed should show the legal names of the parties involved in the transaction. In the case of divorced couples, the deed should bear the husband and wife's legal names or the same names that appear in their divorce decree. However, should both spouses wish to live in detach homes and would like to support proprietary of their wedded property, this document will not be necessary.

As for mortgage concerns, a quit claim deed does not issue the person quitting claim from his mortgage obligations. However, to take off the person who quits claim from the mortgage, the mortgage has to be refinanced through the name of the grantee or the person to whom the interest has been transferred.

In a divorce, a spouse can only claim proprietary of the property and mortgage by refinancing the mortgage after the home has been conveyed to him or her. It is important to note, though, that many lenders will only allow a divorced individual to refinance a property if he or she has been on title to the said property for at least one year.

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