Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to Deal With Vacant asset Liens, Judgments and Estates

Quit Claim Deed Divorce - How to Deal With Vacant asset Liens, Judgments and Estates
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Once you've made perceive with the owner of a vacant asset you will sometimes run into situations that do not arise with original asset transactions.  There are a range of varied issues and your title business will be able to help you with many of them but we'll mention them to make this data more complete.

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How is How to Deal With Vacant asset Liens, Judgments and Estates

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One of the first things that you should know is that most liens and other debts owed against the asset are paid by the owner at closing.  However, you can also be creative when it comes to this type of asset purchase.  I'll get into this in a bit, but first I want to talk about the types of debts that might be against the asset or the owner.

Tax liens are very tasteless when it comes to vacant properties.  Especially if the asset has been sitting for any distance of time.  Depending on your county, the sheriffs office may be very aggressive with dealing with this issue and auctioning the properties at sheriff sale.  However, many major metro areas have thousands of vacant properties with taxes that have been owed on them for several years.  Other liens might be nuisance liens, clean and seal liens, gas liens, water liens and more.

Judgments against an owner are another beloved item that arise on a title report.  Judgments can be located against an owner for any estimate of reasons.  It is important to note the contrast in the middle of a lien and a judgment.  It's precisely remembered like this....A lien is a debt against a asset and a judgment is a debt against a person.  Judgments can be located for back child support, law suits, parking tickets, unpaid earnings taxes and many more reasons.

Dual possession or tenants in tasteless and tenants by entireties deeds.  What this means is that more than one man is on the title to the asset and both of the people on the original deed have to sign off on the deed to sell the property.  You may also hear that term "Quit claim deed" used from time to time and in that instance you should understand that man cannot just sign a quit claim deed and give you the same right of possession as a fee uncomplicated deed.  In the case of a disunion or a partnership when two people own the asset and both have the possession to the asset you must get both of them to sign the deed for the sale.  If you have a deed where there were division possession to the asset then your title business may allow a quit claim deed to be used when man just plainly wants to forfeit their equitable possession to the property.  Your title business will know how to handle this situation when it comes up but you should be ready to find the other man on the deed as well.

Deceased owners and estates.   In the case of a deceased owner or an estate you will have to find the heir with the legal possession to sell the property.  It is a very sensitive issue when it comes to who has the possession to a asset so you may want to consult a probate attorney on this one.  However, the main thing to know is this......If a man died and they did not have a will stating to whom the asset will be left, then man must be appointed to handle the estate (Even if it's just 1 particular distressed property).  They will go to the register of wills and file for what are called "Letters of administration" and pay legacy tax of the value of the property.  It's important to know that if man still has receipts from the funeral, they can deduct those as expenses against the legacy and they will only be taxed on what they precisely profit.  If the man did die with a will, you can view the will and find out who has the "Letters Testamentary" and that will give them the possession to sell the asset to you.

Old mortgages.  Sometimes you will get a title record back that has a mortgage on it from many years ago.  These may have been from secret loans or from a bank that went out of business.  If you do have a title with an old mortgage it will have to be discharged before it can be cleared from the title.  This can take some time and some work and will be something that the title business can help with.  However, if you want to get things done quickly, our advice is to lend a helping hand and obtain anyone data you can obtain to help the title company.  You'll get to windup quicker and that's the main goal.

These are some of the more tasteless issues that come up on the title hunt of a vacant property.  We've located on hundreds of vacant properties and seen just about every issue that can come up.  If we can help you find the ex spouse, a relative of a deceased owner or the issuing bank that held the original mortgage needs to be tracked to find out who owns the loan now, we can help you out.  We'll find the data you're seeing for guaranteed.  To find out more about what we do, visit us at []

Best of luck with your purchasing of vacant properties.

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